Met with Dr. Park on Tuesday (Husband couldn’t come, he’s been wrestling with a really bad case of the flu and a room full of pregnant people is probably not a good place for him to be). She was as fantastic as I had hoped. Very encouraging, very interested, very willing to help us. She thinks the positive result on the anticardiolipin is significant, especially when you add in the MTHFR. Even though the other two tests were negative, she wants to err on the side of caution and agrees with the anticoagulation protocol (baby aspirin, lovenox). Can’t take dexamethasone with Lyme, so don’t know if something else will take it’s place yet…have to ask Dr. Stricker. She thinks the IVIg, LIT and Humira are not a good idea, much like the other doctors we saw. She agreed that I can start the Lovenox on cycle day 6 and so if the coinfection blood test results come back negative, we can start up again in a couple weeks.
Dr. Park suggested I get a mammogram before I get pregnant just in case so I have an appointment on Monday. She also wants me to see the perinatologist Dr. Mullin because the lyme and blood clotting issues (plus my age) make me a high risk patient. I tried to make a “preconception” appointment but it’s $450 and insurance doesn’t cover “preconception” appointments. I told them I’d call back when I’m pregnant.
Dr. Park did say that it’s entirely possible that I’d have to be off work after 20 weeks. She said that with her patients who are always used to go-go-going, it’s difficult for them to slow down. I told her that wasn’t a problem with me 😉 But the problem is that I haven’t had a full time job since getting laid off in March. I had two prospects that kept stringing me along (the first for 2 months, the second for a month). We don’t have enough money saved for me to stay not working after the baby is born. And it doesn’t help that we’ve spent over $9,000 with all of these medical tests…kind of ate through the savings we did have. So I’m freaking a little about all of that. I guess I don’t really have to worry about it until it happens though, just try my best to get back working and know that we will work it out when it happens. I was worried about this same thing a year ago and it turns out I didn’t need to be because we lost the baby. So you never know how these things are going to go. I worry too much in general.
Started taking the second antibiotic, Ceftin, which tastes like…um…something really really horrible. So now I’m on 500mg of Zithromax and 1000mg of Ceftin daily. Seems like a lot of antibiotics. I haven’t really noticed a lot of change, maybe a little change. My mood is definitely improved and that makes everything else less awful.
Dr. Stricker prescribed the brand name Synthroid (I’d been taking the generic) hoping it will stop my hair from falling out. We’ll see.
The bird’s nest outside my window was full of action last week. Mama was feeding the baby at a feverish pace. Whenever Mama would come close, baby bird would tweet as loud as it could. At first I could barely hear it, but then it got very loud as the baby got bigger. Now the nest is empty, no more action. But I hear baby bird tweeting around the house outside and that makes me happy.